Housing News Digest
Housing News Digest
The Tenants' Union Housing News Digest compiles our pick of items from all the latest tenancy and housing media, sent once per week, on Thursdays.
Below is the Digest archive from November 2020 onwards. From time to time you will find additional items in the archive that did not make it into the weekly Digest email. Earlier archives are here, where you can also find additional digests by other organisations.
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Govt asked to intervene over shocking living conditions at Windang's Oasis Village caravan park
Kate McIlwain Illawarra Mercury (No paywall)The NSW Government has been asked to intervene in the increasingly fraught situation at Windang's Oasis village, after interactions between the caravan park's owner and residents reached breaking point. According to the Affiliated Residential Park Residents Association (ARPRA) body, which represents the residents, many of the elderly and frail people living in the park have reached a point of "absolute despair". "One of the most concerning things I've seen in my 18 years representing residents across the state happened at this park late last year," ARPRA CEO Gary Martin said. "We got calls to say that in six or seven of the properties, sewage was coming back up the toilet and we contacted the operator and there was no response. ... Recently, the tribunal ordered that all site fees should be paid into a special trust account, instead of to S&Q Assets, to be administered by NCAT so that maintenance can be undertaken. Wollongong MP Paul Scully told parliament last week that "enough is enough" and asked an administrator should be appointed by the NSW Supreme Court to run the Oasis Village.
# NSW, Land lease communities, Repairs, Tribunal NCAT, Utilities electricity water gas, Local Government, State Government.Rent control: A review of the evidence base
Kenneth Gibb, Adriana Mihaela Soaita and Alex Marsh (No paywall)Rent controls have a long history in the UK and continue to generate impassioned debate about their efficacy. Problems associated with rental unaffordability have encouraged renewed interest in rent regulation and there are policy design developments regarding rent control actively underway in Scotland. This evidence review looked at academic and grey literature from the period 2000 to 2020. It is an attempt to understand the continuing academic interest in rent regulation and to distinguish the range of views about its impacts. The review incorporates a range of both economics analysis and wider social science evidence. This is a systematic evidence review of the literature and as such generates important findings that we believe add value in ways that other forms of analysis cannot. The international dimension is essential because there is no contemporary UK evidence on the impacts of rent control. Yet the literature demonstrates that we need to be cautious regarding the appropriateness of international comparisons (even within welfare regime clusters) and the relevance of contemporary evidence for the UK. (UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence)
# Research alert International, Rent, Housing market.‘Chronic failure’: Sydney’s rental market approaching crisis level
Tawar Razaghi Domain (No paywall)Sydney’s rental market has been described as a “chronic failure”, with the city’s vacancy rate dropping to its lowest level since November 2017. Freshly opened international borders have heaped further pressure on an already strained rental market, where the vacancy rate fell to 1.7 per cent in February (down from 1.9 per cent in January), according to Domain’s latest Rental Vacancy Rate Report. ... Domain’s chief of research and economics, Dr Nicola Powell, said Australia was on the verge of a rental crisis. ... Senior research fellow at UNSW’s City Futures Research Centre, Chris Martin, said it was not enough to call it a “crisis” anymore. “It’s been happening for so long and getting worse for low-income people in private rentals,” Dr Martin said. “It is a chronic failure of the private rental sector.” He suggested caps on rent increases in tight rental markets to protect renters from being priced out, rather than waiting for rental properties to be added to the market. That causes distress and hardship for an extended period while people wait for supply. We should be looking at the regulation of rent. “It’s pretty straightforward, if the rent is going up by more than two per cent for a certain number of quarters, it gets capped.” The vacancy rate was only telling part of the story for renters, who have struggled with less choice and compromising on quality over the years, according to Leo Patterson-Ross, chief executive of the Tenants’ Union of NSW. “It is true to say we have been in a crisis for many, many years, and we are sinking deeper into it because we’re not taking the goals of housing the community of NSW seriously,” he said. “People are often pushed into making pretty deep compromises. That hides what’s happening, so it hides people experiencing the worst part. “[People] are making those compromises on their quality and that really means their safety. It’s on pretty fundamental things like thermal comforts, cost of utilities, the cost of disease spreading.”
# TUNSW in the media NSW, Rent, Housing market.One in five aged care staff in Australia plan to quit in next year, citing ‘hopelessness’
Josh Butler The Guardian (No paywall)One-fifth of aged care workers say they plan to resign in the wake of the Covid crisis, according to a union survey. On Thursday, the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation released a survey of nearly 1,000 workers in aged care, with 37% of respondents saying they planned to quit the sector within the next one to five years, with another 21% planning to leave within the next 12 months.
# Australia, Coronavirus COVID-19, Federal Government, Health, Housing market, Older people.WA had two years to get homeless people off the street. So why are they still stranded as Covid surges?
Jesse Noakes The Guardian (No paywall)As Western Australia is bringing down its hard border it is disturbing to see how little has changed for the most vulnerable. ... With months to wait between second and third doses and WA’s border opening on Thursday as cases surge, vaccination strategies rolling out now aren’t worth the paper they’re written on. The government also has a rough sleeper accommodation action plan but they still have no timeline for getting people off the streets and into hotels or temporary camps if required. It appears that despite two years to prepare behind WA’s hard border, the government has failed to learn from its abject failure first time round. While other states got thousands off the streets at the outset of Covid, the WA government was paralysed by the crisis engulfing Perth’s empty streets in the early days of the pandemic. Also, read Hamish Hastie's article entitled: 'Dire warning over Perth’s homeless as COVID-19 rips through state.' in 'The Sydney Morning Herald' at: [https://www.smh.com.au/politics/western-australia/dire-warning-over-perth-s-homeless-as-covid-19-rips-through-state-20220225-p59zqn.html].
# Australia, Coronavirus COVID-19, Home ownership, State Government.FEANTSA Flash February 2022
(No paywall)Welcome back to the FEANTSA Flash. February was a devastating month for Europe and the world, and our thoughts are currently with people in Ukraine. We are sure our network will draw even closer together at this time in calling on Member States to ensure that no person fleeing the war in Ukraine is left without a roof over their head. In more positive news, members of the European Platform on Combatting Homelessness came together yesterday at a Ministers Meeting led by the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union to adopt a work plan to end homelessness in Europe by 2030. ... [Read on] (International Union of Tenants)
# International, Campaigns and law reform, Homelessness, International.Wollondilly Council calls for halt to rezoning plans for massive Appin housing development
Kelly Fuller ABC (No paywall)Wollondilly Council is urging the New South Wales government immediately halt any plan to rezone land at Appin as part of a major housing expansion south-west of Sydney. Housing giant Walker Corporation has previously outlined a proposal to pour 50,000 people into the semi-rural village as part of the state government's Greater Macarthur growth corridor. The project has been described as a solution to Sydney's housing crisis. Newly elected Wollondilly Mayor Matthew Gould has made responding to the project one of his first priorities. "We are very concerned the state government is about to rush through a quick rezoning of that area and there simply is not the infrastructure," he said.
# NSW, Housing market, Local Government, Planning and development, State Government.Why Victoria's big social housing build is causing friction among some councils and residents
Elise Kinsella ABC (No paywall)The Victorian Big Build Scheme aims to support thousands of social housing dwellings being built quickly. But the Victorian government is assessing these developments under an alternative planning process that its critics describe as using a "Big Brother" approach and being "anti-democratic". [Read on]
# Australia, Public and community housing, Housing market, Planning and development, State Government.