Housing News Digest
Housing News Digest
The Tenants' Union Housing News Digest compiles our pick of items from all the latest tenancy and housing media, sent once per week, on Thursdays.
Below is the Digest archive from November 2020 onwards. From time to time you will find additional items in the archive that did not make it into the weekly Digest email. Earlier archives are here, where you can also find additional digests by other organisations.
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Mudgeeraba Caravan Park goes from 'ghetto' to pensioners' paradise
Tom Forbes, Nicole Dyer and Kirsten Webster ABC (No paywall)Viv Lymbery says he's experienced good times and bad times over the 18 years he has spent living inside his bus at the Mudgeeraba Holiday Park. The 70-year-old said he was "once king by a bloke", but he had been "predominantly" happy living in the Gold Coast hinterland park, which has long had a bad reputation with frequent police visits and ongoing social problems. ... But that is now changing according to Derek Nicholson who, along with his business partner, bought the Mudgeeraba Holiday Park in July 2021 and rebranded it The Rainforest Rental Village. He said, although the park had previously been described as a "ghetto" and a "living hell", its reputation is now steadily being turned around.
# Australia, Land lease communities, Housing affordability, Older people.Affordable housing in the US is increasingly scarce, making renters ask: Where do we go?
Celine-Marie Pascale The Conversation (No paywall)The United States is facing an expanding gap between how much workers earn and how much they have to pay for housing. Workers have faced stagnant wages for the past 40 years. Yet the cost of rent has steadily increased during that time, with sharp increases of 14% to 40% over the past two years. Now, more than ever, workers are feeling the stress of the affordable housing crisis.
# International, Rent, Affordable housing, Housing affordability, Housing market.Consultation on the introduction of tenant satisfaction measures
(No paywall)From the United Kingdom ... Here's the National Housing Federation submission in response to the Regulator of Social Housing.
# International, Public and community housing.‘Homes for Ukraine’ scheme launches in government bid to house refugees
James Wilmore Inside Housing (Paywall)From the United Kingdom ... The website went live yesterday to allow those wanting to take in refugees from Ukraine to register their interest. However it is still not clear when people will be able to accommodate those escaping the conflict. The government, which has been criticised for its slow response to the growing refugee crisis, has said there is “no limit” on the number of Ukrainians it expects to help under the scheme. According to the United Nations, more than 2.8 million people have fled Ukraine because of the Russian invasion. You can also read the same story on the BBC at: [https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-60741942]
# International, Homelessness, International.Mortgage stress set to rise with interest rates and recent home buyers will be hit hardest
Michael Janda ABC (No paywall)Interest rates are already rising in many countries and are almost certain to rise in Australia sometime this year. But how prepared are heavily indebted households, especially those who just paid top dollar for a home in the past couple of years?
# Australia, Home ownership, Housing market.Mallee council, business take action on housing crisis by building houmes themselves
Sophie Landau and Petria Ladgrove ABC (No paywall)A council in South Australia's Mallee region is planning to build and sell affordable homes in an unusual and hands-on approach to combatting the region's housing crisis. The Karoonda East Murray Council could build up to three homes on council-owned blocks at Ponderosa Estate, which it hopes will encourage skilled workers and families to move to the area. Mayor Caroline Phillips said a lack of available, affordable housing to buy or rent had slowed the town's economic growth.
# Australia, Affordable housing, Local Government.Motel emergency accommodation demand increases as regional SA housing crisis continues
Alice Dempster ABC (No paywall)Temporary accommodation can be a lifeline for those trying to get back on their feet after relationship breakdowns, domestic violence, family deaths, drug and alcohol addictions, and the loss of jobs or homes. Milang Lakes Motel owner Chris Parsons knows this all too well, having offered emergency housing for people in their times of need for years. Accepting referrals through Junction Australia's team, he sees both Milang locals and outsiders at his motel on the shore of Lake Alexandrina for emergency stays, alongside regular patrons.
# Australia, Homelessness, Housing market.Relief for residents who were locked out of own reception after bitter dispute
Sue Williams Domain (No paywall)A 25-year contract originally sold by developer Meriton for hundreds of thousands of dollars, giving another company exclusive rights for property management and letting services in one of their multi-storey apartment complexes, has been cancelled by a tribunal in a first for NSW.
# NSW, Strata, Tribunal NCAT.