Housing News Digest
Housing News Digest
The Tenants' Union Housing News Digest compiles our pick of items from all the latest tenancy and housing media, sent once per week, on Thursdays.
Below is the Digest archive from November 2020 onwards. From time to time you will find additional items in the archive that did not make it into the weekly Digest email. Earlier archives are here, where you can also find additional digests by other organisations.
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Gazumping, lenders mortgage insurance and all the other things I learned the hard way in buying my first home
Amelia Bernasconi ABC (No paywall)It's no secret that buying a house is a real challenge in 2022. For me, saving the deposit may have been the least stressful step in the whole process — although it obviously took plenty of time. My hometown of Scone, in the beautiful Hunter Valley, New South Wales, hasn't escaped the property boom taking hold in regional Australia. So, as a 24-year-old who'd lived independently for five or more years, I moved back into my childhood bedroom for about five months as I went on a house hunt at the market's all-time high. (ABC Everyday)
# NSW, Home ownership, Housing market, Regional NSW.Australia’s COVID-19 pandemic housing policy responses
Chris Leishman, Fatemeh Aminpour, Emma Baker, Andrew Beer, Adam Crowe, Zoë Goodall, Ella Horton, Keith Jacobs, Laurence Lester, Sofia Torchia, Duncan Maclennan, Chris Martin, Meredith Nash, Hal Pawson, Steven Rowley, Wendy Stone and Rachel Ong ViforJ AHURI (No paywall)This research reviewed Australia’s COVID-19 housing policy responses to better understand their intervention approach, underlying logic, short and long term goals, target groups and level of success. It considered literature and policy from Australia and a small number of international comparator policies; conducted online surveys of landlords and of economists; and consulted key stake holders. [Read on ... Click the link to 'Executive Summary'.]
# Research alert Australia, Eviction, Rent, Tribunal NCAT, Landlords and agents.Peter's renting story
Tenants' Union of NSW (No paywall)Last week was #MyRentedHome social media week of action! Here's Peter's renting story.
You can read Kaye's renting story at: [https://www.tenants.org.au/blog/kayes-renting-story].
You can read Sarah's renting story at: [https://www.tenants.org.au/blog/sarahs-renting-story].
You can read Catherine's renting story at: [https://www.tenants.org.au/blog/catherines-renting-story].
You can read Greer's renting story at: [https://www.tenants.org.au/blog/greers-renting-story]
Landlords easily evaded COVID eviction bans, housing study reveals
Elizabeth Redman Domain (No paywall)Pandemic-era private rental assistance measures had only modest outcomes, new research has found, after some landlords decided government help was not worthwhile. Eviction moratoriums were easily evaded by landlords, meaning tenants moved out if they could not pay rent. There was also significant underspending in most rent-relief schemes, a report from the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute, released on Friday, uncovered. You can read about the full report at: [https://www.ahuri.edu.au/research/final-reports/376]
# Research alert Australia, Eviction, Rent, Tribunal NCAT, Coronavirus COVID-19, Landlords and agents.Salvation Army's National Social Justice Stocktake Report says housing affordability the highest concern for Hunter region electorates
Sage Swinton Newcastle Herald (Paywall)Housing affordability is a concern for almost two thirds of residents in the Hunter electorate who were surveyed for a new social justice report. The Salvation Army's National Social Justice Stocktake Report says that while mental health was the number one concern Australia-wide, housing affordability topped the result for the local electorates of Hunter, Newcastle, Paterson and Shortland. ... Alcohol and drug misuse was the next most concerning issue for the four communities, with residents in Hunter the most concerned about this issue (46.4 per cent) out of the local electorates, while domestic violence and homelessness were other concerns mentioned. ... Hunter Tenants and Advocacy service Nicole Grgas said the concern about housing in particular was no surprise. "We're not seeing any reduction in housing stress," she said. "The situation is becoming really desperate. Not only for people on low incomes - rent is taking up more and more of people's incomes." She said the widespread housing stress was "a symptom of a failure to plan for changes in demographics". "We've known for a long time we need more affordable housing and social housing where there is growth in population," she said. "There just seems to be small pots of funding to fix the problem." If you hit a paywall, try you will catch part of this article at: [https://www.singletonargus.com.au/story/7689211/housing-cost-regions-biggest-issue-survey/] You can download the National Report and reports by State/Territory and Electorates at: [https://www.salvationarmy.org.au/socialjusticestocktake/]
# NSW, Rent, Housing affordability, Regional NSW.Support needed to help millions of Australian renters with rising cost of living, experts say
Tom Lowrey ABC (No paywall)If there was one clear message out of last week's federal budget — the government's springboard into an election campaign — it was tackling the cost of living. ... But there is a large group of Australians — including many of the country's poorest — who missed out on targeted relief. One third of Australians are currently renting, making up 2.6 million households. Currently, 14 per cent of them are experiencing rental stress, with more than 30 per cent of their income going to rent ... an analysis of rental stress across the country conducted by the ABC shows it is a particularly acute problem in some politically critical areas [read 'marginal seats']. ... Urban planner Nicole Gurran, from the University of Sydney, said the rent assistance payment has been too low for some time. ... She said if the government wanted to improve the cost of living, increasing the rental assistance payment was a logical solution. "Renters, particularly lower income renters, are bearing the brunt of Australia's cost of living pressures," she said.
# Australia, Rent, Federal Government, Housing affordability, Housing market, Welfare.Land swaps, relocations or rebuilds: Lismore community grapples with its future
Susan Chenery The Guardian (No paywall)The northern rivers region of New South Wales has some of the most beautiful landscapes in the country. ... But on 28 February, everything changed. After six months of rain, the rivers overflowed and flooded. ... In devastated Lismore, flood-affected residents were taking the first steps towards recovery when, on 30 March, it flooded again. Tentative hope turned to disbelief. Now they are in limbo, exhausted, disoriented, waiting on decisions. Houses are not habitable, scattered across the region. Sleeping in caravans, tents and sheds, or couch-surfing in the overcrowded houses of friends.
# NSW, Housing market, Planning and development, Regional NSW.A new platform for informing and monitoring housing strategy
housing.id (No paywall)housing.id is an online evidence base: a website created specifically for your LGA to help you advocate for your community’s housing needs and monitor progress toward strategic planning goals. Designed for strategic planning and advocacy teams, housing.id combines demographic, economic, housing and population forecast data in one place. (.idcommunity)
# Australia, Housing market, Local Government, Planning and development.