Housing News Digest

The Tenants' Union Housing News Digest compiles our pick of items from all the latest tenancy and housing media, sent once per week, on Thursdays. 

Below is the Digest archive from November 2020 onwards. From time to time you will find additional items in the archive that did not make it into the weekly Digest email. Earlier archives are here, where you can also find additional digests by other organisations. 

Our main email newsletter, Tenant News is sent once every two months. You can subscribe or update your subscription preferences for any of our email newsletters here.

See notes about the Digest and a list of other contributors here. Many thanks to those contributors for sharing links with us.

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Welcome to the hottest holiday home market in Australia

Kate Burke
Domain (No paywall)

House prices have more than doubled in five years. Rental stress has quadrupled. And more than half of homes can be left sitting empty on a winter’s night. Welcome to Tasmania’s east coast, where popular holiday towns have recorded price growth that outstrips the likes of Byron and Noosa.


# Australia, Rent, Housing market, Short-term holiday letting.

Pod off the press

Charlie Wilde
Tenants' Union of NSW (No paywall)

The Tenants’ Union plunged into the world of podcasting roughly 12 months ago. Alongside co-producers Legal Aid NSW we planned and launched Renting Matters, a podcast series aimed for community workers. Renting Matters quickly became one of the most popular podcasts produced by Legal Aid. Now, as we wind up that series and publish our brand-new in-house podcast for renters, Renting Bytes, we take a moment to reflect on podcasting. Click the link to the 'Podcast library' at: [https://www.tenants.org.au/resource/renting-matters]


# TUNSW in the media NSW, Domestic violence, Eviction, Land lease communities, Rent, Repairs, Housing market, No-grounds evictions.

One in 20 Australian teens surveyed became homeless during COVID, charity finds

Alicia Bridges
ABC (No paywall)

"Distressing" is how charity group Mission Australia describes the results of its new survey ... Its report reveals almost one in 20 young people aged 15 to 19 who responded to Mission Australia’s Youth Survey 2021 were homeless for the first time during the pandemic. Worryingly, this is a significant increase since 2017, when almost one in 25 young people had recently been pushed into first-time homelessness. This report sheds light on the issues, concerns and hopes of this group of young people, and how they compare to their peers who did not experience first-time homelessness during the pandemic. It also provides insights into the risk factors for first-time youth homelessness and an overview of young people’s mental health and housing situation. You will find the full report at: [https://www.missionaustralia.com.au/publications/youth-survey]


# Research alert Australia, Coronavirus COVID-19, Homelessness, Young people.

Modern cities like Sydney becoming ‘ghettos of rich people’, architects warn

Julie Power
The Sydney Morning Herald (Paywall)

Modern cities such as Sydney are becoming “ghettos of rich people” where few working people can afford to live, award-winning architects Jean-Philippe Vassal and Anne Lacaton warn. Known as the “never demolish” architects, Vassal and Lacaton won the Pritzker Prize, the world’s most prestigious architectural prize, in 2021 for a series of projects where they refused to raze existing public housing, apartment blocks and museums. At workshops at Sydney University this week, the visiting French architects encouraged architecture students to reimagine a future for Waterloo estate’s public housing – slated for redevelopment and future demolition. The brief: don’t destroy anything. Not even a tree. In a public lecture at the Seymour Centre on Thursday night, Lacaton said they believed “architects should never demolish, never subtract, never remove, always add and transform”. They see demolition as an act of violence, and a waste of energy, history and materials.


# NSW, Estate renewal, Housing market, International, Planning and development, Sydney.

The Renters Review, July 2022

Tenants Victoria
(No paywall)

Taking stock over the past financial year, we directly helped over 10,000 Victorian renters with their tenancy problems. Hundreds of thousands more sought information from our helpful website that serves as something of a renting encyclopaedia. These are solid achievements for us in another pandemic year. However, in the social and economic context of more and more Victorians renting their homes, our service faces a daily dilemma: we can only answer a proportion of inquiries to our advice lines. Demand remains intense - and too often unmet - because of resource constraints.


# Australia, Boarders and lodgers, Privacy and access, Public and community housing, Rent, Campaigns and law reform, Coronavirus COVID-19, Mould.

Transitional housing support for Indigenous men leaving prison aims to reduce recidivism rates

Rio Davis
ABC (No paywall)

A contract has been signed for the construction of a Victorian-first housing project for Aboriginal men leaving prison, with hopes of reducing recidivism rates. Warrigunya — a name chosen by Aboriginal inmates at Fulham Correctional Centre meaning warrior's home — hopes to give men leaving the prison a fighting chance of reintegrating into society. Homes Victoria has granted the Aboriginal corporation $3 million to build the first stage of the housing at Darriman, near Yarram in the state's south east.


# Australia, Public and community housing, Homelessness, Race and ethnicity.

Minimum Wage Workers Cannot Afford a 2-bedroom Rental Home Anywhere

Molly Bolan
(No paywall)

Plus, these workers can’t rent a one bedroom in 91% of U.S. counties, according to a new report. Amid record-breaking rent increases, it’s nearly impossible for low-wage workers to afford rental homes anywhere in the United States, according to a new report from the National Low Income Housing Coalition. (Route Fifty)


# International, Rent, Housing affordability, Housing market.

ACT government outlines plans to deliver 30,000 new homes over five years, including build-to-rent

ABC (No paywall)

An extra 30,000 homes will be built in Canberra over the next five years under the ACT government's plan to significantly increase the city's housing supply to meet population growth. The housing package in next week's territory budget will include the release of land for 16,500 dwellings, plans for a build-to-rent scheme and an extra $30 million for public housing growth and renewal projects. "To give some context, we currently have around 180,000 dwellings in the territory and we believe that we will need that to grow to around 210,000 over the next five years," Chief Minister Andrew Barr said.


# Australia, Rent, Housing market.

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