We’re inviting all NSW renters to join the #MakeRentingFair #MyRentedHome social media week of action, in the week of Monday 4 April to Saturday 9 April. You are invited to share a photo on your…
Many renters are struggling to afford the rent during the current housing crisis in NSW. However, paying rent is a fundamental obligation of the tenancy agreement. Not paying your rent puts you…
Our thoughts go out to the people, families and communities impacted by the flooding, storms, and dangerous rainfall across the state. Tenants Advice and Advocacy Services and Community Legal…
This Tenants' Union submission addresses a selection of the issues discussed in the NSW Government Consultation on Energy Consumer Policies paper — those with most relevance to renting…
The Tenants' Union's focus in this brief submission is on how the agreement can deliver better housing outcomes for those in the broad private rental market, and for those renting in…
In a recent decision of the Appeal Panel the question of whether a home can be sold without a grant of probate has been answered. Probate is the name of a court order granted by the Supreme…
The obligation on an operator to provide a disclosure statement in the approved form before entering into a site agreement is straightforward. The purpose of the obligation is also clear – to…
Moving house is generally considered one of life’s most stressful events. The financial costs, and the stress and anxiety associated with moving are substantial, and these are exacerbated when a…
Come along to the first Make Renting Fair organising meeting for 2022 where we'll continue to map out what our Make Renting Fair campaign will be getting up to this year. Come and join the…