Productivity Commission recognises need to end unfair No Grounds evictions


Productivity Commission graphic
Graphic from the Productivity Commission Report, Vulnerable Private Renters: Evidence and Options, available at

The Productivity Commission today released a report on vulnerable renters in the private market, concluding that removing unfair no grounds evictions from our renting laws is needed to better protect low income and other vulnerable renters.

Introducing longer notice periods for all landlord-initiated, ‘no fault’ evictions was also suggested by the Commission. Longer notice periods before eviction, they noted, would help soften the impact of forced moves and allow renters more time to find a suitable new home close to work and schools, and more time to save towards moving costs.

“We are really pleased to see the Productivity Commission’s research confirms the benefits of changing our renting laws to end unfair no grounds evictions,” said Leo Patterson Ross, Senior Policy Officer for the Tenants’ Union of NSW.

“We hear from renters all the time who are facing a no grounds eviction because they asked for repairs, or pushed back against a rent increase, or even for discrimination.”

Three quarters of those that we surveyed in our report Lives Turned Upside Down hold back from asserting a right, especially around repairs, because they are worried about the possibility of eviction. This speaks clearly to the unfair balance of power between landlord and tenant that the Productivity Commission report helpfully identifies.

The Tenants’ Union NSW is writing today to Minister Kevin Anderson offering a briefing on the findings of the report in the NSW context and opportunities for NSW Government to respond.  

Further and fuller analysis of the findings of the Productivity Commission’s report Vulnerable Private Renters: Evidence and Options will be available soon on the Tenants’ Union blog.



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