Housing justice for marginal renters

The problem:

Some vulnerable renters are excluded from residential tenancy legislation, and may have no legislated rights and remedies in relation to their housing.

The solution:

Extend the occupancy principles in the Boarding Houses Act 2012 so they cover all renters otherwise excluded from residential tenancies legislation.

Some people who rent their housing are not covered by our tenancy legislation. The Residential Tenancies Act 2010 expressly excludes boarders and lodgers, and numerous other categories of renters.

The Boarding Houses Act 2012 now covers some renters – residents of registrable boarding houses – who previously were not covered. But still, many people in boarding and lodging arrangements are not covered by any legislation about their housing.

The Tenants’ Union believes all renters who are otherwise excluded from tenancy legislation should be covered by the occupancy principles set out in the Boarding Houses Act, with straightforward access to the NSW Civil and Administrative to deal with disputes.   

Additionally, the Tenants' Union has also made the following recommendations as a part of the statutory review of the Boarding Houses Act Review: 

  • Implement a Rental Accommodation Registration Act which requires registration and accreditation of providers of rental accommodation, including boarding houses, residential villages, land lease communities, and short term rental agreements.
  • Enact a Rental Accommodation Registrar to enforce this.
  • Create standard form agreements for use in a range of key rental accommodation types, and mandate their use
  • Security Deposits to be lodged with the Rental Bond Board or equivalent

Further reading


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