Incoming Minns’ government needs to implement promised reforms to our renting system urgently


The Tenants’ Union of NSW congratulates Chris Minns and the incoming NSW Labor Government. We look forward to working closely with the government, as it delivers on its commitments to address the rental housing crisis.

Chief executive officer of the Tenants’ Union of NSW Leo Patterson Ross said NSW Labor’s commitment to tackling the housing crisis is promising.

“Cost of living and housing affordability pressures were the key issues facing people in NSW as they went to the polls on Saturday. Change is needed urgently, and we encourage the new Labor government to act quickly and to prioritise implementing key renting reforms promised.”

Leo Patterson Ross, CEO, Tenants’ Union of NSW

During the election, NSW Labor committed to ending ‘no grounds’ evictions and replacing said evictions provisions at end of fixed-term agreements and during periodic leases with a set of reasonable grounds for ending a tenancy. 

Each month over 2,300 renting households face a 'no grounds' eviction, resulting in immediate costs of almost $9.5 million directly to the households, and $12 million to the NSW economy. Reform to end ‘no grounds’ must be acted on and implemented as a priority. 

Along with delivering reform to ensure greater security for the 1 in 3 who rent their homes, we look forward to working with NSW Labor as they implement their commitments to:

  • establish a Rental Commissioner to be an ‘advocate and voice’ for renters
  • make NSW tenancy laws more pet friendly
  • introduce portable bonds
  • better regulate rent bidding 
  • undertake a review of NCAT (the Tribunal)
  • ensure renters’ data and personal information is stored securely, and better protect against data breaches
  • Provide $1 million in additional funding for Tenants’ Advice and Advocacy Services and 5-year contract terms

NSW Labor made further commitments to increase social and affordable housing, including a pilot Build to Rent program in regional NSW, and the mandating of a minimum of 30 per cent social and affordable housing for developments on surplus government land. We hope this is only the start in terms of investment to deliver the additional social housing homes necessary to meet our communities’ needs.

Getting housing supply right is a crucial part of the long-term solution to the affordability crisis. However, more immediate intervention is required to address the soaring rents NSW households are experiencing. Though NSW Labor committed to addressing rental affordability via rent bidding prohibitions and a portable bond scheme, this approach falls short of what is required.

“We hope the establishment of a Rental Commissioner, tasked with listening to and advocating for renters, will spark a fresh conversation about regulating rents.

There are a number of models for putting in place fair limits on rent increases that the incoming NSW government should consider – including the ACT model where landlords cannot increase rent by more than 10% above rent CPI without justifying it.”

Leo Patterson Ross, CEO, Tenants’ Union of NSW

The Tenants’ Union acknowledges the positive and productive working relationship we shared with previous ministers. This includes mostly recently Minister Victor Dominello during his two periods in office, as well as Minister Kevin Anderson who held the portfolio throughout the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, and Minister Matt Kean who oversaw the introduction of a number of improvements to the law.



Renting Increase Negotiation Kit


New Renters Kit