Make Renting Fair: April Organising Meeting


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We've now had our first Make Renting Fair action of 2022, our #MyRentedHome social media week of action. We'll be pulling together an overview on what was achieved throughout the week, which we'll speak to in the upcoming meeting, but in the meantime it's safe to say we're happy with how it went! Thank you to everyone who participated and amplified - it's clear our community of renters has lots to contribute, lots of stories, lots of ideas, and lots of passion around how we can #MakeRentingFair in NSW.

Now it's time for our next organising meeting! This time around we'll be brainstorming and honing some policy asks for the campaign between now and the March 2023 NSW election. Come along and join the conversation, hear our ideas and have your own say, contribute to shaping Make Renting Fair for the coming year.

Date: Thursday, 28 April

Time: 6pm-7pm, with an optional half hour informal tenancy chat afterwards.

Register to be emailed the Zoom link!

Help make this event as big as it can be - hit 'going' on Facebook, share, and invite your friends.




Renting Increase Negotiation Kit


New Renters Kit