Have your say on future of Homes NSW


Homes NSW, the new department with responsibility for public and community housing, homelessness and other housing assistance is developing its 10 year plan.

We believe it's crucial that people living in, or hoping to live in, the homes made available through Homes NSW should have a say in this big plan. Homes NSW also calls out the importance of this in the plan itself. It will be important to make sure they hear from you and respond meaningfully to your experiences and concerns.

The plan will consider:

  • management of existing public and community housing
  • how Homes NSW can build more and better public, community and affordable homes
  • what Homes NSW can do to ensure homelessness is rare, brief and not repeated
  • how all parts of the system can work better together
  • how Homes NSW can get the best possible outcomes for our customers including tenants, people waiting for social housing and people experiencing homelessness

This covers wide range of topics so please ensure you share your experience. You can complete a short survey which asks shorter or fewer questions, a longer survey that allows for more detail or you can email them your views.

Responses are due 17th January 2025 and the plan will be released latet in that year.



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