Inner Sydney Tenants Advice and Advocacy Service (ISTAAS) provides free, confidential legal information, advice and advocacy to tenants living in public and private residential housing.
Our services are available to renters living in selected suburbs in inner Sydney. You can check by entering your suburb under 'Get advice' in the main menu.
Tenants Advice & Advocacy Services have limited availability over the holiday period. The Tenants' Union will be coordinating a Holiday Hotline to make sure renters can get urgent advice. Call 1800 251 101
We’ve been fighting for decades to strengthen renters' rights by changing law in NSW. Now it's finally happening. The reforms cap rent increases at once yearly, and will end no-grounds evictions and make it easier to have pets in your home. Find out more...
"I grew up on the Northern foreshores of Botany Bay at the La Perouse Aboriginal Reserve AKA ‘Lappa Mish’ in the 1970s and 1980’s. It was great growing up there. The sea was our backyard –…
Electricity charges in land lease communities are a hot issue for home owners. Prices continue to rise and, when home owners purchase electricity from the operator, the charges are complex and…
In October 2015, NSW Parliament passed a law changing the rights and responsibilities of all social housing tenants in important ways. FACS Housing will begin using these new rules against…
Hunter Tenant’s Advice & Advocacy Service, along with a number of other tenancy services received a one off grant from NSW Fair Trading to employ a part time project worker to assist with…
Home owners in land lease communities understand that their site fees can increase and most are used to having an increase every year. Receiving a site fee increase might not come as surprise,…
Redfern Legal Centre has spent many years advocating for public housing tenants waiting for basic repairs to be done on their homes. The lack of action they experience, even after correct…
In October 2015, NSW Parliament passed the highly contentious Residential Tenancies and Housing Legislation Amendment (Public Housing - Antisocial Behaviour) Act - affecting the rights and…
A few weeks ago we noted the NSW Government's continued interest in a Compulsory Rent Deduction Scheme for social housing tenants, as they took the idea to the recent Council of Australian…
Housing affordability is a key issue during the 2016 federal election. The presumed impact of reducing tax concessions for landlords has been a strong feature in media discussions, and in…
The rent in Sydney is so high now that even historic pockets of affordability are way out of reach for people doing it tough. We might have been able to rely on public or social housing if…