Southern Sydney Tenants Advice and Advocacy Service (SSTAAS) provides free telephone information, advice and assistance to private and public housing tenants. We can help by talking to, or writing to landlords and real estate agents. We also assist tenants to prepare for Tribunal hearings and can provide representation at the Tribunal for highly disadvantaged tenants. This is usually limited to matters involving terminations or illegal lockouts.
Our services are available to renters in houses, units, caravan parks, retirement villages and boarding houses in the Bankstown, Canterbury, Hurstville, Kogarah, Rockdale and Sutherland local government areas. Please note that we do not assist landlords or real estate agents. SSTAAS also assists tenants through community education sessions on tenancy laws.
For online Tribunal hearings, our Tenant Advocates may be available to provide you duty advocacy service during your appointment. Please call 9789 3744 and check for availability.
Tenants Advice & Advocacy Services have limited availability over the holiday period. The Tenants' Union will be coordinating a Holiday Hotline to make sure renters can get urgent advice. Call 1800 251 101
We’ve been fighting for decades to strengthen renters' rights by changing law in NSW. Now it's finally happening. The reforms cap rent increases at once yearly, and will end no-grounds evictions and make it easier to have pets in your home. Find out more...
Early in 2014 the Tenants’ Union conducted a short online survey on Housing Affordability to gauge tenants' experiences and expectations of renting. 580 tenants responded. The most striking…
The Tenants' Union recently made comment on the draft Strata Development Bill. We have concerns about the proposed strata renewal process and the impact the process would have on elderly…
This submission has two purposes. First, it reviews the current state and recent history of the housing market, with particular attention to the huge inflation in house prices over the past two…
The Tenants' Union sought an indication of the extent to which the Boarding Houses Act 2012 applies to the roomshare market, and the extent to which registrable boarding houses in the room-…
The Tenants' Union submission to the Inquiry into Social, Public and Affordable Housing has two purposes. First, it reviews the current state and recent history of the housing market, with…
The 2012-2013 year saw the board and staff undertake some demanding work to ensure the Tenants’ Union continues in its mission to represent all tenants in NSW, whether they are private renters,…
Proposed changes to the legislation are aimed at reducing bureaucratic burdens on Local Aboriginal Land Council’s (LALC) and the NSW Aboriginal Land Council (NSWALC). The Tenants' Union is…
In this brief submission the Tenants' Union focusses our remarks on the implications of the proposed New Planning System, and the Draft Metropolitan Strategy, for low income households in…
The Housing Payment Deduction Scheme would allow, in two circumstances, public housing authorities (‘public housing lessors’) to request the deduction of monies from the social security payments…
The Tenants' Union of NSW generally supports the draft Regulation, subject to the recommendations and other points discussed below. In addition, we submit that a standard form occupancy…
The Tenants' Union consulted with the Children’s Hospital at Westmead during the development of its report, and has promoted its recommendations as a priority for law reform. We welcome the…