The Tenants' Union of NSW and the network of Tenant Advocates who we train, resource and support have assisted tens of thousands of tenants in all predecessor Tribunals since the…
The Tenants’ Union believes the success of the social housing sector relies on being responsive to need and accountable to tenants who rely on it for secure affordable housing but also whose…
This guide is intended as educational information regarding the NSW Election to be held on 23rd March 2019. We acknowledge the tenants of NSW hold diverse political views and support this…
This report by the Tenants’ Union of NSW and Marrickville Legal Centre explores the impacts of no grounds evictions. The Tenants' Union of NSW recommends ending no grounds evictions,…
This Tenants' Union submission is concerned with items related to uncollected goods, utility agreements in strata schemes and the repeal of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1899.
The last 12 months has brought challenges and triumphs for the Tenants’ Union, and our work continues to be very important as private tenancy continues to rise in NSW. Read about our work in our…
As an organisation representing only the interests of occupants of residential rental housing, the Tenants’ Union of NSW has a unique and long-standing interest in understanding and advising on…
The Tenants' Union's interest in climate change and energy costs for tenants is ongoing. We have been involved in consultative processes and programs concerning energy efficiency. We…
The Tenants' Union of NSW made this submission to the Department of Finance, Services and Innovation's Easy and Transparent Trading consultation process.
In this submission, the Tenants' Union supports the intent of the consultation paper to improve transparency and consumer choice, but warns that neither of the current proposals will…
The NSW government introduction of legislation to introduce public housing bonds today lets down this week’s ‘budget with a strong heart’. People who need public housing are among the poorest in…
As the number of renters in New South Wales continues to grow it is more important than ever that policy decisions made by government are evidence-based. Currently the NSW government,…
The Tenants' Union is pleased to offer our comments on the NSW Fair Trading Complaints Register Guidelines. We think the register performs an important function for consumers and support…
The Tenants' Union is pleased to respond to the NSW Government’s Issues Paper on Protections for Residents of Long Term Supported Group Accommodation in NSW. By raising a number of…
Representing concerned housing, homelessness, tenant, legal and community organisations this letter was written to the Minister for Family and Community Services regarding the Inner Sydney Local…
The New South Wales Boarding Houses Act 2012 has now been in operation for five years. To assist in the review of the Boarding Houses Act 2012 this report assesses the Act on its own merits. For…
The Automatic Rent Deduction Scheme (ARDS) as proposed by the Social Services Legislative Amendment (Housing Affordability) Bill 2017 if passed will have a detrimental impact on arrears and debt…
The last 12 months has again been significant for the Tenants' Union and for renters in NSW. The next 12 look as equally interesting. 2017 has been dubbed ‘the year of the renter’ by Domain…
The Tenants' Union has been invited to make a contribution to the Committee’s inquiry into land release and housing supply. Unfortunately we are not in a position to make a detailed…