Annual Report 2017-2018


The last 12 months has brought challenges and triumphs for the Tenants’ Union, and our work continues to be very important as private tenancy continues to rise in NSW. 

In a renting system with a complex policy and legal context, the Tenants’ Union is making a difference. Tenants and their advocates are coming together more than ever before in campaigns such as Make Renting Fair. Political parties are changing their policy platforms on private renting, thousands have supported action for law reform by attending gatherings, participating in surveys, sharing their stories or writing letters. Over 100 organisations have endorsed the call to end unfair evictions. The Tenants’ Union’s leadership and contribution to this movement is set out in this Annual Report.

We continue to work for positive outcomes for social housing tenants and to oppose policies which are unfair or stigmatise tenants. 

The last 12 months have been busy for all Tenants’ Union staff, including the policy team which has put a tremendous amount of effort in to the Residential Tenancies Act 2010 Review including multiple parliamentary briefings and extensive followup work with Government in order to achieve the best law reform outcomes for tenants in NSW. 

Our legal team are making a difference with their public interest litigation, testing anti-social behaviour amendments and unfair terminations by social housing providers. We have prevented land lease park operators profiteering from electricity charges and strengthened residents’ rights of tenure and compensation. 

We continue to provide vital support to tenants through training, resources and advice. Over 1,500 people participated in our education and information events. Over 3,000 individuals received advice, information or referral. We had over 850,000 unique sessions on our web resources.

Read more about our work in out 2017-2018 Annual Report.