Land lease community sample letters
These sample letters are for land lease community residents. They should be used in conjunction with the land lease community factsheets. If you are a land lease community resident and need advice on the law, you can contact your local Tenants' Advice and Advocacy Service (TAAS) for free legal advice. The TAAS Advocates are experts in land lease community laws and residential tenancies laws.
Sample letters
➤ Additional occupants
➤ Making alterations and additions to your home
➤ Tree maintenance
➤ Utility bills
➤ Selling your home
➤ Site fee receipt
➤ Site fee abatement
Other resources
➤ Factsheets for land lease communities
➤ Podcast: When you own the house but not the land
➤ Podcast: Residential Land Lease Communities following a disaster
➤ News and articles from Outasite