Hunter Tenants Advice and Advocacy Service (HTAAS)




(02) 4969 7666

1800 654 504



9am - 1pm


9am - 1pm


9am - 1pm


9am - 1pm


9am - 1pm


If you can't get through during advice hours please keep trying. Outside of advice hours, you can leave a message.



What we do: Free telephone advice, information, advocacy, and (where appropriate) representation at the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT).

Who we can assist: people renting privately through a landlord or Real Estate Agent, tenants in Public and Community housing, tenants renting Caravan Parks, homeowners in Land Lease Communities and residents of Boarding Houses. Our services are available to renters in Newcastle, Lake Macquarie, Port Stephens, Maitland, Cessnock, Singleton, Upper Hunter, Muswellbrook or the Great Lakes areas of Mid Coast Local Government Area.


Tenancy laws are changing in NSW

We’ve been fighting for decades to strengthen renters' rights by changing law in NSW. Now it's finally happening. The reforms cap rent increases at once yearly, and will end no-grounds evictions and make it easier to have pets in your home. Find out more...
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Standing Together for Housing Justice

Tenant Advocates and supporters came together to celebrate 30 years of the Tenants Advice and Advocacy Program, and stand for housing justice.
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Tenant Advocates – Nurture and Grow

The annual TAAS Conference took place last month in Birpai Country, Port Macquarie. The theme of the conference was 'Nurture and Grow' – to evoke the approach we seek to take with clients, renters' rights and knowledge, and our own skills. Over 100 Tenant Advocates from across NSW gathered to learn and connect. The conference is organised by the Tenants' Union of NSW, and this was the largest face-to-face conference we have ever delivered.
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TUNSW Report on 5 years of the Boarding Houses Act 2012

The Tenants' Union today released its report marking five years of the Boarding Houses Act 2012, the first legislation to give rights to boarding house residents in New South Wales. The…
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Joint letter: Inner Sydney Allocations

Representing concerned housing, homelessness, tenant, legal and community organisations this letter was written to the Minister for Family and Community Services regarding the Inner Sydney Local…
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Report: Five years of the Boarding Houses Act 2012

The New South Wales Boarding Houses Act 2012 has now been in operation for five years. To assist in the review of the Boarding Houses Act 2012 this report assesses the Act on its own merits. For…
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Community languages poster

The Tenants' Union of NSW produces a series of factsheets in community languages which provide a practical, up-to-date, short introduction to tenants’ rights in NSW. Factsheets are…
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Farewell Ned (see you soon)

The Tenants' Union and friends farewell its Senior Policy Officer, Ned Cutcher, after 9 years working with the Tenants' Union and 16 years in the tenancy rights sector. During his time…
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Is your apartment fire safe?

If you own, live in or manage an apartment, we encourage you to make sure your building is fire safe. Material that covers external walls, also known as cladding, can increase the intensity and…
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#MakeRentingFair campaign intro and update

Now is a great time to get involved with the Make Renting Fair campaign. Jemima and Leo from the Tenants' Union provide a quick introduction and an update on where the campaign is up to,…
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Window safety rules changed for strata blocks

The government has changed legal requirements for strata apartments to prevent children falling from windows. By the 13th of March 2018 all strata buildings are required to have window safety…
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The gap in NCAT’s jurisdiction and what it means for tenancy

It was recently found that the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal does not have jurisdiction for matters where the parties are resident in different states of Australia. This is due to a NSW…
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Stand your ground

When it comes to agreements, promises and contracts the advice is always the same – get it in writing. Why? Because if a dispute arises the terms, or even the existence, of a verbal agreement…
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Tenancy rights for residents of group homes: consultation forums

The NSW Department of Family and Community Services, Ageing, Disability & Home Care is transferring the management of group homes to the non-government sector. As a result of this change,…
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Housing not stadiums urge housing organisations

Peak housing and homelessness organisations urge Premier to invest the $2 billion of public money towards housing and support for the most vulnerable in our community and not to rebuild sports…
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Showing 397 - 408 of 633 results