Tenant action groups

The Tenants' Union supports the participation of tenants in decision-making that has an impact on the security, affordability and liveability of their housing. Below is a list of tenant groups of which we aware. Listing on this page is not an endorsement of the policies and actions of the group.


Action for Public Housing

Action for public

“Action for Public Housing (APH) is a network of grass roots community groups committed to defending and expanding public housing in NSW. APH believes that public housing should not be only a safety net for vulnerable people but should be a significant element of the housing system. Rather than cater only for the disadvantaged, public housing should be available to everyone who needs it, including low income earners.”


Alexandria Residents Action Group

"Our aims are:
1. To understand the diverse views and needs of the Alexandria residents and present a united and informed front on issues that impact the community
2. To initiate community activities that create social, educational and environmental benefits for the Alexandria community
3. To capture and share the experiences, history and heritage of Alexandria and its community"


Claymore Neighbourhood Action Association community buzz

The Claymore Community Buzz keeps the local community up to date about what is going on within the community and also outside. Check them out on Facebook.




Community Housing Tenant Network

Community Housing Tenant

"The purpose of NSW Community Housing Tenant Network is to provide a stronger, broader voice for community housing groups through co-operation, advocacy, and engagement through activities of common interests based on geography, cultural or special needs. Advocacy is speaking, acting, writing on behalf of the interests of a person or group in order to defend the welfare of and justice for either a person or group. Every person matters. It is the purpose and responsibility of Tenant Network to advocate for all community housing tenants through peak bodies such as CHIA, Shelter, the Tenants Union and others."


Hands off Glebe

Hands off glebe

"Against overdevelopment and high rise in Glebe. For decent public housing in Glebe. For preserving the historic townscape and protecting the low income community of Glebe. Hands off Glebe is an incorporated voluntary group meeting monthly in Glebe. Its ideals include expansion of public housing, protection of heritage, public discussion of development proposals; full community consultation by government; commitment to a liveable inner city environment for all residents and information sharing to all who live in our area."


Housing Action Plan Now! (HAPN)


"Our aim is to build and support resilient community that can engage and participate in processes, conversations and appropriate forums and networks regarding social housing in the Glebe Estate and other social housing properties (Minogue crescent and Camperdown). We work to gather and disseminate information concerning social housing, and advocate for social housing residents."


Inner West Tenant Group

"Are you a social housing tenant and live in any of the former Council areas of Ashfield, Marrickville and Leichhardt? Join the Inner West Tenant Group to explore issues and develop projects to enhance tenant outcomes. The Inner West Tenant Group is dedicated to advocacy supporting social housing tenants in the Inner West Local Government Area through collective action. Our focus is providing the keys to engagement."


Millers Point Public Housing Tenants Group

Millers point

"The heritage and culture of Sydney’s oldest and most iconic suburb is being trashed, and we’re being treated like worthless, disposable commodities. Don’t hand our history over to developers. Keep Millers Point, Dawes Point and the Rocks housing in public hands!Save YOUR Heritage & the Community of Millers Point & The Rocks before it’s all GONE."


Minto Residents Action Group


"Minto Residents Action Group was formed back in 2002 after the Government announced the plan to redevelop Minto. To us, they were demolishing our homes; some of us had lived here for over 30 years. They might not have been grand but they were our homes. With the backing and help of several non-government agencies (like St Vincent’s de Paul “animation”, South Western Regional Tenants Association, Shelter NSW, the Tenants Union of NSW, and the wonderful Franciscan Friars) Minto RAG was formed."


REDWatch logo

"REDWatch is a community group which covers the Sydney suburbs of Redfern Eveleigh Darlington and Waterloo. These suburbs make up what the NSW Government generally refers to as Redfern - Waterloo. REDWatch exists to monitor Government involvement in our area and to push for outcomes that benefit the community and not just the Government."


Tenant Participation and Community Engagement Program


"Be part of your community and help shape how social housing is delivered. The aim of the TPCE is to improve outcomes for FACS housing tenants. It does this by making it easier for tenants to access information and advice about their housing, and by providing tenants with more opportunities to be involved in decisions on their tenancies and communities."


Waterloo Public Housing Action Group

"Waterloo Public Housing Action Group (WPHAG) was established in December 2015 to fight for Waterloo public housing tenants’ rights and to achieve the best outcome for tenants in the redevelopment of our estate.

  • We provide up to date information in multiple languages for tenants through community events, meetings, text messages and Facebook posts.
  • We lobby the state government with petitions, protests and direct campaign meetings
  • We negotiate with the key decision makers on how Waterloo is redeveloped to ensure the fairest outcomes for public housing tenants."