Greater Sydney Aboriginal Tenants Service (GSATS)




(02) 9833 3314



9am - 5pm


9am - 5pm


9am - 5pm


9am - 5pm


9am - 5pm



Greater Sydney Aboriginal Tenants Service (GSATS) assists and advocates with telephone advice, letters of support, attending the Tribunal, mediation and advocacy, Housing Appeals Committee applications, repairs and maintenance issues, helping to find services who can assist with other issues, attending meetings with your landlord (including Housing NSW), and negotiating with landlords. We also provide Community Education and Duty Advocacy.

Our services are available to Aboriginal renters in greater metropolitan Sydney.

Call us on 9833 3314 or email

This is a specialist Aboriginal Service. Non-Aboriginal tenants please contact your local tenants' service.


Tenancy laws are changing in NSW

We’ve been fighting for decades to strengthen renters' rights by changing law in NSW. Now it's finally happening. The reforms cap rent increases at once yearly, will end no-grounds evictions and make it easier to have pets in your home. Find out more...
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Standing Together for Housing Justice

Tenant Advocates and supporters came together to celebrate 30 years of the Tenants Advice and Advocacy Program, and stand for housing justice.
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Tenant Advocates – Nurture and Grow

The annual TAAS Conference took place last month in Birpai Country, Port Macquarie. The theme of the conference was 'Nurture and Grow' – to evoke the approach we seek to take with clients, renters' rights and knowledge, and our own skills. Over 100 Tenant Advocates from across NSW gathered to learn and connect. The conference is organised by the Tenants' Union of NSW, and this was the largest face-to-face conference we have ever delivered.
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Pets and renting — share your experience!

We would like to hear from NSW renters about your experiences renting with pets (or trying to get landlord permission for a pet). We will use information you provide to us to collate a…
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NEWTAAS Annual Report 2022

Spiralling rents threaten many tenants with homelessness if they lose their homes. Many tenants are being evicted for no reason (no grounds terminations). NEWTAAS Tenant Advocates assess a…
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Healthy Homes for Renters at NSW Parliament

Yesterday the Tenants' Union of NSW alongside Better Renting and Sweltering Cities provided a briefing on Healthy Homes for Renters to a diverse, cross section of Members of the NSW…
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Evicted! Comedy about renting in Sydney

Evicted! is a new comedy about renting in Sydney. The film won the audience award for best feature at the 2022 Sydney Film Festival. It follows a ragtag bunch of millennial housemates who get…
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Outasite - land lease community magazine

The Tenants' Union has just published issue 8 of Outasite – our annual printed publication for land lease communities! It has been delivered to mailboxes in communities all over NSW.
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Devastating impact of the floods in the Tweed Chinderah Area

Residential land lease communities in the Northern Rivers region of NSW were severely impacted by floods in early 2022. Many land lease communities are located on low lying, flood-prone land…
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Fixed method site fee increases becoming the trend

The Tenants’ Union have noticed a trend towards operators preferring to use the fixed method for site fee increases. This trend has many implications for home owners and will ultimately lead to…
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Fair Market Value – A win in one case and an anomaly uncovered in another

An anomaly has been exposed in the safeguards for fair market value when setting site fees in new site agreements, when the operator owns the home that is being sold.
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The non-compliant mediation form

An NCAT matter began as a collective application disputing a site fee increase at Milton Valley Holiday Park. At formal hearing the Member decided the Tribunal did not have jurisdiction on a…
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Residents battle for clean water

Residents of a land lease community in western metropolitan Sydney have been forced to do battle over the quality of their drinking water. They have been concerned for a considerable period of…
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Emergency services vehicle access

This article highlights the importance of operator compliance with all requirements under the Residential Land Lease Communities Act 2013 (RLLC Act). Operators are required under the RLLC Act to…
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Wills and Probate

In a recent decision of the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) Appeal Panel the question of whether a home can be sold (onsite in a community) without a grant of probate has been…
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Showing 133 - 144 of 643 results