Spreading the word
The Tenants’ Union is excited to announce that the Law and Justice Foundation of New South Wales has provided us with funding to support the provision of a new suite of resources and a community education outreach project on the Residential (Land Lease) Communities Act 2013.
The new legislation is due to commence this year and the Tenants’ Union acknowledges the need for parks residents to be provided with accurate, up-to-date information setting out how the changes will affect you.
There are two parts to the project. One focus will be developing a series of fact sheets on various aspects the law. The fact sheets will be written in plain language and made available to all park residents. Many of you will be familiar with the fact sheets previously produced by PAVS - the new ones will be along similar lines. We will be consulting widely with residents’ representatives and Tenant Advocates about the content and design of the fact sheets. We will also produce a special issue of Outasite which will feature a series of articles about the new Act and Regulations.
Lastly, we will be getting out and about and talking to residents across NSW, and providing information sessions on the new law in selected centres. There will be up to 20 workshops held, which will be widely advertised. We want anyone who wants to know about the new legislation to have access to information. We do not have dates for the outreach project yet but we will keep you up to date and let you know when and where the park visits and workshops will take place.
We look forward to meeting you.