Briefing: Tenants Advice and Advocacy Program Funding
This briefing paper examines the funding needs of the Tenants' Advice and Advocacy Program in relation to meeting increased community needs.
The Tenants’ Advice and Advocacy Program is administered by NSW Fair Trading and is funded by the Rental Bond Interest Account (historically with a matched contribution from the Property Services Interest Account). Funding of the program assists NSW Fair Trading in meeting the objectives of promoting fairness in the marketplace and ensuring consumer protection.
The program
prevents homelessness and other negative housing outcomes
reduces unnecessary legal conflict and
assists in the swift resolution of necessary legal disputes and improves the efficient and fair functioning of the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal’
facilitates better functioning and fairer relationships between renters, landlords and agents
provides government with intelligence regarding the operation of the rental sector
Tenants’ Advice and Advocacy Services assist renters understand their rights and obligations so they can make better and more informed decisions and prevent the escalation of matters in the future. They prevent homelessness and other negative outcomes, reduce unnecessary legal conflict and assist in the swift resolution of necessary legal disputes.
In order to meet community need for advice and advocacy for renters, increase funding to the NSW Tenants’ Advice and Advocacy Program to bring total funding to $25.68m per annum. Restoring the current funding gap requires an additional $9.16m per annum.