Annual Report 2015-2016


This year the Tenants' Union of NSW celebrated four decades of working for tenants’ rights. An anniversary such as this is an opportunity to celebrate achievements, acknowledge the many contributors to the journey and take a clear-eyed view on what still needs to be done. Over those 40 years the Tenants' Union has achieved real gains in legislative reform, educated and advised hundreds of thousands of tenants, established (and re-established) a network of tenant advice services, positively influenced government policy and actively contributed to the public discourse. You can read more about how we celebrated this milestone in the Annual Report.

The 2015-2016 Annual Report summarises the Tenants' Union's activity across all our service areas, including:

  • working to ensure the rights of tenants
  • conducting strategic litigation in the interests of tenants
  • giving tenancy advice, information and referrals
  • providing education sessions
  • developing resources for tenants and community workers

The 2015-2016 Annual Report Highlights is an 8-page summary document of key points. 


Tenants' Union Highlights


Statistics about tenants in NSW