Annual Report 2014-2015


Despite a challenging environment the Tenants' Union continues to deliver for tenants in NSW. This
Annual Report gives detail of our important achievements in areas of policy influence, legal practice and education in 2014-2015.

Highlights of 2014-2015

  • 2,825 instances of advice, information and referral provided to tenants & advocates – 18% more than last year.
  • 743,883 sessions on – 20% more than last year.
  • 2,000 supporters took action in the More Bang For Your Bond campaign, including 30 politicians.
  • 94,594 visits to the online Tenants’ Rights Manual – 75% more than last year.
  • 300 people trained in tenancy, residential parks and boarding houses law.
  • 15,000 legal information cards for boarding house residents printed and distributed.
  • 9 community languages factsheets produced – Arabic, Chinese, Farsi, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Thai & Vietnamese.
  • The Tenants’ Union engaged with the development of social housing policy through multiple submissions and giving evidence at committee hearings.
  • The Tenants’ Union continued to engage with the development of residential parks legislation through submissions with input from the Residential Parks Forum.
  • The Tenants’ Union advocated strongly for affordable housing for all tenants – including Aboriginal tenants, low income private renters & older tenants.
  • The Tenants’ Union made contact with all major political candidates to advocate for tenants, in the lead-up to the NSW State Election.
  • 34 mainstream media appearances including on-camera on A Current Affair

Read more in our 2014-2015 Annual Report.