The Rental Report: A performance report on the progress of A Better Deal for Renters


Australian renters still vulnerable: National Cabinet reforms fall short in protecting tenants one year on

Renters in Australia continue to face inconsistent tenancy laws and an ongoing lack of protection.

The Rental Report by the National Association of Renters’ Organisations (NARO) and National Shelter assessed the progress of State and Territories against their commitments of the National Cabinet reforms. It found inconsistent application of the element of the Better Deal for Renters, and that some jurisdictions have failed to meet their obligations. The report also recommends areas requiring attention including the need for fair rent increases and capping the amount of the increases, adequately funding tenancy advice and advocacy services, and better data to inform policy.

The report illustrates that there have been improvements in banning rent bidding, provisions for tenants experiencing domestic and family violence, and restricting rent increases to once per year. However considerably more work is needed in the areas of limiting break lease fees for fixed term agreements, making rental applications easier and protecting renters’ personal information, better regulation of short-term accommodation, and phasing in of minimum rental standards.

The report also finds that some jurisdictions, particularly the Northern Territory and Western Australia, are failing to meet their National Cabinet obligations meaning they are failing to meet the needs of renters and reforms are urgently required.